Site Location

Construction Information

A typical construction period for a solar farm of this scale is approximately 20 weeks. During the construction period, it is estimated that there will be an average of 6-8 HGV trips per day. Whilst this figure is an average, there will often be a higher volume earlier in the construction period and less towards the end. It is proposed that construction working hours would be as follows:

  • 07:00 - 18:00 Monday to Friday
  • 08:00 - 13:00 Saturday
Access information

We have two proposed construction routes, either coming from the west or the east:

  • From the west, the route will run from A10, then onto the A414, onto Fifth Avenue, Elizabeth Way, Roydon Road.
  • From the east, the route will run from M11, following the A414, Edinburgh Way, Elizabeth Way, Roydon.

The proposed maintenance and construction route will access the site from Harlow Road.

We have engaged a Highways Consultant to advise us of the best route. A Construction Traffic Management Plan (CTMP) will be agreed with the Local Highways Authority ahead of any construction.

Point of connection

The electricity generated by the solar panels is proposed to connect into the local distribution network operator, UK Power Networks at Harlow West Substation. The underground cable will run along Roydon Road, turning south onto Elizabeth Way into Harlow West Substation.